Site updates and movie reviews

I fully admit that life has been a bit busy, and the site updates have taken a bit of a backseat over the last year. I did manage to get a redesign thrown up, including a new section for equipment that includes a diagram and breakdown of my setup, and sponsors & affiliates that are a part of the stream. So that’s cool! I’m also excited to announce that I’m working with a talent management agency called Fenix Down, which is equally exciting news! I also joined up with a team called The Flagship in the last year. Hopefully all of these things will lead to increased content production on my end, because a few things that go into the “business” side of things are now things that I have help with. Here’s to the future!

Cooking streams are finally being produced for the channel, and a return to regular review creation is also happening! I promise to be much less of a stranger to this website, as I intend to start posting some regular content here as well. SPEAKING OF WHICH – I have a Letterboxd account, so I’m having fun writing some reviews out for movies in my spare time. I will probably go on some rants in greater detail about some movies, or genres, on the blog here, but Letterboxd is probably going to be updated pretty regularly, and casually, with my literal two cent throwaway thoughts about certain movies. Here are some of the latest:

  • I've been occasionally going back and rewatching movies I loved in my teens, since I'm absorbing this shit far differently as an adult. Oh man. Turns out? Not actually that good. Not bad, definitely a time capsule of a film, definitely something that couldn't be made today, and is nearly […]
  • Eject me off this planet
  • I'm all for the grift on the rich people but watching these idiot women, who aren't rich, defend this woman while erroneously being screwed themselves out of THOUSANDS because they think Anna is on some different plane of existence from them is angering me on a level I can't even […]
  • I heard they didn't even have to employ a makeup team for the last half of this movie because the breakneck pace at which this film moved aged everyone so hard it was just natural
  • I wanted the storytelling to be a little more tight, but it's brutally heartbreaking message got across nevertheless. The fight choreography and stylistic cinematography won me over in spades. The short bridge between American and Indian cinema closes its gap with Monkey Man, which is more or less John Wick […]

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